Can you live on £8.86 for a week?

Take the challenge. Make a difference!

Imagine having to survive on just £8.86 for an entire week. For thousands of asylum seekers in the UK, this isn’t a challenge — it’s their daily reality. Asylum seekers receive just £8.86 per week to cover all their essential needs, including food, toiletries, and transportation. This minimal allowance often leaves them struggling to meet even the most basic requirements for a dignified life. As money is given on pre-loaded cards, it isn’t even possible to withdraw £8.86 (as it’s less than £10) so some weeks, they have nothing!

At AARC, we are dedicated to supporting asylum seekers and refugees as they navigate the challenges of starting a new life in the UK. We invite you to join our fundraising challenge: live on £8.86 for one week and experience first-hand the difficulties faced by asylum seekers. Your participation will help raise awareness and much-needed funds to support our vital services.

How the Challenge Works:

  1. Budget: You’ll have £8.86 to spend for the entire week. This covers all your food, toiletries, and other essential items. You’ll need to plan your meals and purchases carefully to make it through the week!

  2. Document Your Experience: Share your journey on social media using the hashtag #LiveOn886 and remember to tag us in your posts. Post pictures of your meals, shopping lists, and any challenges you encounter. Encourage your friends and family to sponsor your efforts and spread the word about the reality faced by asylum seekers.

  3. Donate: At the end of the week, donate what you would normally spend on your weekly groceries to AARC in addition to any sponsorship that you’ve raised. Encourage others to contribute as well, turning your experience into meaningful support for those in need.

  4. Challenge Others: Nominate friends, family, or colleagues to take on the challenge and keep the momentum going. The more people who participate, the greater the impact we can make together.

Budget-Friendly Tips:

  • Plan Your Meals: Stick to simple, low-cost meals like porridge, beans on toast, or pasta with basic sauce. Planning ahead can help stretch your budget further.

  • Buy in Bulk: Look for items that can be purchased in bulk and used throughout the week, like rice, lentils, or oats. Consider shopping at discount stores or using vouchers to save money.

  • Shop Clever: Take advantage of end-of-day discounts at supermarkets. Many supermarkets reduce the price of perishable items towards the end of the day, which can help you get more food for your money.

  • Get Creative: Use leftovers creatively to make new meals. A few vegetables can go a long way in a soup or stir-fry.

  • Walk When Possible: Save on transport costs by walking or cycling instead of using public transport.

Why does it matter?

Taking on the £8.86 challenge not only helps you understand the hardships faced by asylum seekers, but it also raises critical funds for AARC. The money you raise will go directly towards providing essential support services, including food parcels, clothing, legal advice, and mental health support for those who are often left vulnerable and isolated.

Sign Up Today!

Are you ready to make a difference? Sign up for the AARC £8.86 Challenge today and take a step towards building a more compassionate and supportive community for asylum seekers and refugees.

Join the Challenge | Donate | Share Your Story

Together, we can bring attention to the plight of asylum seekers and provide them with the support they desperately need. Thank you for standing with us in solidarity and compassion.

£8.86 Challenge Enquiry