Supporting Refugees & People seeking Asylum in North-East Scotland.

At AARC, we are dedicated to upholding the human rights and dignity of people seeking asylum and refugees. We provide compassionate support and advocate for fair treatment, working towards a society where every displaced person is respected and can thrive.

one of our founders, Jayne Smith, talks about the difference that JTPB funding has made to our work.

Who We Are

Asylum & Refugee Care (AARC) SCIO is a dedicated charity focused on supporting the growing number of refugees and people seeking asylum in North-East Scotland. What started as a small group of passionate volunteers in 2022 has since evolved into a fully registered charity by 2023.

AARC was created to offer practical and emotional support to refugees and people seeking asylum who often arrive in the region with little to nothing, sometimes at a moment’s notice.

Our mission is simple: to lend a helping hand to those forced to flee their home countries, providing the care and support they need as they start to rebuild their lives.

Did you know?

  1. Nearly all new arrivals in Aberdeen arrive with only the clothes that they are wearing. Most have been in processing centres in the south of England for 4-6 weeks with only one set of clothes. It’s usually a basic grey tracksuit and either a pair of trainers or flip-flops. This isn’t ideal for relocation to what’s statistically the coldest city in the UK!

  2. All new arrivals are entitled to no money from the Home Office for the first two months.

  3. Thereafter, our service users survive on just £8.86/week.

What We Do

At AARC, we provide essential, practical support to new arrivals, ensuring they have the basics they need to settle in. This includes:

  • Weather-appropriate clothing and footwear

  • Toiletries

  • Non-perishable food items that don’t require cooking facilities

  • Orientation information on local services and support networks.

Our ongoing support extends beyond the essentials, offering:

  • Assistance with attending crucial appointments and registering for services such as GPs and dentists

  • Facilities and help with writing emails and letters, whether contacting solicitors or the Home Office

  • Connecting individuals with local diaspora communities based on their ethnicity or nationality.

Many of the people we help have endured unimaginable trauma, including torture, exploitation, or human trafficking.

We also signpost and facilitate access to specialist trauma-informed counselling and mental health services, helping them begin the journey of healing and recovery.