AARC are on the move!

You might have seen our recent Facebook posts about our long awaited move to our new AARC Hub. Unfortunately, we’ve had a delay with the legal paperwork and as often happens with these things, we also needed to vacate where we were.

We’ve been so lucky though - we needed to raise £1000 to cover our legal fees to have our new lease reviewed and the response to our recent Crowdfunder covered the whole lot. Thank you so much to everyone who donated. We were particularly humbled by a former service user from the Kurdish community who arranged a dinner at his home and got all of his friends to donate £20, raising over £200. He told us that it was a small gesture and that he could never repay AARC for what the charity did for him when he needed help, but that’s what AARC is all about!

Meantime, our lovely trustee Jayne secured a lockup for a temp move and work began transporting literally everything we have to the lockup until the AARC Hub is ready. Thanks again to a group of service users who came to the rescue and with expert precision managed to squeeze every single thing into the lockup. It’s pretty much at the stage that you couldn’t fit another paper clip in, but it’s all in and that’s the important thing!

We’re looking forward to the move for a number of reasons, but mostly, having a place where we can build on the support that we currently provide to People Seeking Asylum and Refugees in Aberdeen City and Shire. We will be able to run different activities and classes, the possibilities are endless! More to follow soon.


Seeking Asylum in the UK